13 Ways to Make Money from Your Art Online

13 ways to make money online from your art
13 ways how to make money from your art online

Are you an artist who could use some extra income?

There are so many ways you can use your creative skills to build a side hustle to generate extra income. Or even just generate SOME income if you’re currently unemployed.

Over the last few years I’ve made over $40,000 in online income while working a full time job. While it’s not enough to quit my day job just yet, I’ve been able to pay for vacations, unexpected bills, and even part of a mortgage.

Yes, it will take time and you’re not going to be making thousands of dollars right away.

However, if you have the patience and drive to do the work and learn, you can be successful. In a few years time you could be generating a few hundred to thousands of extra dollars per month. And well, who is going to say no to that?

So what are you waiting for?

Below are just a few ideas of ways you can make some cash from your art skills online.

This is not a comprehensive list by any means, but just some ideas I’ve come across and some I’ve tried for myself. You will have to dive deeper into researching each of these ideas for yourself. I have linked to my other blog posts on these topics where possible.

make money from art

13 Ways to Make Money from your Art Online

  1. Sell your original artwork or hand made goods on Etsy.
  2. Create downloadable art prints or worksheets to sell through Etsy or your own website.
  3. Print on demand websites and marketplaces like Redbubble, Society6, Zazzle etc.
  4. Print on demand through your own website (Shopify, Printful, etc.)
  5. Books and book covers through Amazon KDP.
  6. Youtube: Film videos of yourself creating, then once you get enough subscribers and watch hours (1000 subs and 4000 watch hours) you can start generating income from Youtube. You can also make money from affiliate links by linking to Amazon products you use for your art.
  7. Blog with affiliate links: Create articles about the type of art you do, product reviews, tutorials etc. and then you can look for affiliate partnerships like the Amazon affiliate program where you can send people to buy the products you use and recommend.
  8. Teaching: Either through Youtube or a website like Skillshare which charges a subscription fee. If you send people over there to sign up you can get paid.
  9. Patreon: Your fans can subscribe to you by donating a monthly $ pledge, and then you give them exclusive content and interact with them.
  10. Social media: Build up a following on Instagram or TikTok and sell your artwork to your fans straight through the platform.
  11. Create for virtual marketplaces: This one is kind of out there, but if you’ve ever heard of Second Life or IMVU there are many opportunities to create 3D fashion designs or other products to sell within these virtual marketplaces for real cash.
  12. Sell design elements for other creatives or businesses through Creative Market or Etsy.
  13. Offer your design services on Fiverr or through your own website.
person doing online shopping

Bonus Tips:

  • Create things people want to buy (do a bit of research).
  • Use high resolution images as much as possible. (Don’t start with tiny blurry photos or small pixel sizes, it’s a waste of time).
  • Never stop learning and growing your skills.

That should be enough ideas to get those creative juices flowing. As a creative person you will probably come up with even more ideas to make money from your art. And always be keeping an eye out for more opportunities!

Which one of these ideas resonated with you the most? Let me know in the comments below!


julie signing off

5 Tips to Increase your Redbubble Sales

increase sales on redbubble
5 tips to increase redbubble sales

Are you an artist looking to increase your sales on Rebubble? Well then you’re in the right place because today I’m sharing 5 tips I’ve recently learned to help increase your sales. I’ve seen a 3x increase in sales since implementing these tips.

Also read: How to Sell Your Art Online – The Definitive Guide

You can either watch the video below or scroll down further to read my 5 tips to help increase your sales on Redbubble.

How to Increase your Redbubble Sales

1. Create Trending Designs

You can click in the search bar on Redbubble and “trending searches” comes up. You can also type in a letter or multiple letters and trending searches come up for those too.

Create designs inspired by these trending searches and make sure to use it in the tags. Don’t create copyright designs though unless it’s part of the Fan Art program.

2. Add Your Store Name or Social Media Handle in Tags

People may search Redbubble for your name or Instagram name rather than typing in your store link. This is especially important if your name is different on social media vs. Redbubble. For example, my name is slightly different due to the character limit, so while I’m julieerindesigns in most places, my username is julieerindesign for my Redbubble store. I put both names in my tags to cover everything.

3. Add Your Store Link to the Description

This may help increase multiple sales, if someone likes your design and sees the link in the description it is easy for them to copy and paste it into the browser bar and come to your shop. I’ve seen an increase in sales of multiple products such as stickers since implementing this strategy.

increase redbubble sales

4. Make Sure Every Product Looks Nice

You want your store to look professional, so make sure every single product looks good with your design. If it doesn’t you should either modify the design, or disable that product. For example, use a clear background for stickers and t-shirts. Make sure the image covers the entire product and there is no white space surrounding it.

Having a nice, professional looking store front will increase the customer’s trust in you which increases the likelihood that they will purchase from you.

5. Share your Products to Pinterest

After you’ve submitted your design there is an option to share your products to a few social media channels. I recommend using this feature to Pin your product to Pinterest.

You can also go to the product page and share from there for additional mock up options, or use a mockup service like Place It to create fun and unique mockups to share across all social media.

Read more about How to Use Pinterest to Increase your Art Sales

Or watch my video below explaining my Pinterest strategy for Redbubble and other POD sites.


I hope some of these tips are new and helpful to you. Try implementing them next time you upload to Redbubble and see what happens! Nothing is guaranteed but it never hurts to try. Always be thinking about how you can optimize your products, designs, tags, etc.

I’m always sharing new strategies I learn along my journey of making an income from my art with print on demand websites like Redbubble. Check out my Resources page for more information!

And make sure to follow my blog so you never miss my latest print on demand tips and tricks.

I hope you found this post useful. Please share any other Redbubble tips you have in the comments below!


julie signing off