Hey everyone! Today I would like to share with you guys this free skull printable I drew myself!
Wow I can’t believe it’s October again, I feel like this year has really flown by. I am already getting into a “Halloween mood” and started drawing some Sugar Skulls to celebrate!
Click on the image of the skull below to open it in a new tab and then right click and save the image to your computer.
It is set up so you can easily print it out and colour it in by hand, or use your computer to paint it using any program of your choice (MS Paint, Photoshop etc.). If you have any questions or difficulties please let me know.
Please do not claim as your own or use for commercial use.
Feel free to colour this skull printable yourself, and give it out to your friends and family members too!
Be as creative as you want with it, it does not have to be a “traditional” sugar skull in any way. Use your imagination! Feel free to post links to your coloured version in the comments section below :)
Ok guys have fun and go nuts! I hope to see some awesome designs from you all :)
Find more coloring pages and other freebies here!
If you would like to see more of my artwork please visit my website, or follow me on Facebook or Instagram to see my latest work, sales and promotions!