My dear friends, I hope you are all taking care of yourselves and your loved ones during this crazy time. A lot of us are staying inside our homes to help stop the spread of the virus and so I wanted to offer one of the few things I am able to give to you and that is my art in the form of free colouring pages.
Today I am sharing with you this brand new colouring page I made just yesterday. It’s a mandala design with butterflies surrounding it and the words Be Kind underneath it.
There are no strings attached; simply download and print it it off, then colour it to your hearts delight.
I hope this free colouring page will give you a distraction, if even just for a short time. For even longer distractions make sure you check out my other free colouring pages linked below.
Love coloring? You may also enjoy my hand drawn Mandala Coloring Book, now available on Amazon!
I also plan to make more pages and resources like this in the coming weeks so make sure you subscribe to my blog for the latest updates.
Other free colouring pages on my blog include:
I also have a few other free art making resources like my Mandala Drawing Templates if you want to take your drawing to the next level.
Stay safe, stay inside, and keep on being creative my dear friends. Art in the form of visual art, music and video will help us get through this and hopefully keep us sane during this time.
I hope everything will get back to normal and be OK soon.
P.S. – If you’re on Instagram feel free to tag me in your coloured creations! @julieerindesigns